We have a great database for International Placements in every significant zone of work
We have the great support of experienced staff individuals having broad working information of global commercial enterprise.
Well built up connection with Airlines, Travel operators, Government powers and additionally Consultants/Embassies likewise guarantee the entire method is immaculately taken care of.
We offer International occupation situation consultancy support to our customers. We always overhaul the database that permits us to offer the best possibility for the right occupation.
Further, our skill additionally lies in taking complete consideration of visa documentation and also different customs.
Executive Search
Exclusive and Retained, our Executive Search Practice is primarily focused on Board and CXO level leadership hiring. Our goal is to deliver value to each client we serve and to help you attract top talent and to build adaptive, diverse people organizations that are prepared to fulfil strategic business objectives. We seek to understand each client’s strategic goals, the specific leadership roles and competencies needed to meet those goals, and the culture that new executives need to embody.
Our executive recruiting consultants possess the expertise and contacts to best support our search. We draw on our high-level professional networks, industry knowledge and internal research resources to identify the right people. To stay on the cutting edge of talent strategy, we constantly track key trends in the global market for talent, and continually innovate our services and approach.
Executive Search ensures a quality outcome by targeting and contacting every potential candidate, not just those seeking new roles, resulting in candidates of higher caliber. We represent you professionally to candidates; the whole process ensuring confidentiality, time bound efficiency and cost effectiveness. It also ensures pre-qualification of candidates which will leave the line manager to focus on recruitment decisions. A strong emphasis on quick turnaround timelines and a highly process driven and customized Search Practice which relies heavily on knowledge management and industry research paradigms, ensures that the results are swift, sure and outstanding, as is witnessed through our client portfolio and success record. Given the highly intensive research led operations to our executive search model and a personalized candidate contact approach, we have demonstrated consistent results across Multinational, Transnational, start-up, complex and even unique or novel talent requirement demands, specific to each client organization.
Documents needed from Client for Overseas Recruitment
Demand Letter
Aformal letter issued by the employer addressing LMP with full detail of job categories number of workers, monthly salary, contract period ,working hours per day and all other facilities like accommodation, food transportation, medical.
Power ofAttorney
A letter issued by the employer authorizing LMP to act on behalf of the employer in recruiting the required number of workers and to carry out all necessary formalities related with the respective embassy and the related agencies
Services (Interparty) Agreement
An agreement in between the employers and LMPregarding the manpower mobilization for the recruitment of said number of workers as per the demand letter.
Employment Contract
This agreement is made between the company(Employer) and the employee on the company s letterhead stating clearly and precisely all terms and conditions regarding manpower supply from the region they decide.